Modern technology gives us many things.

5 Things You Must Ensure Are Enabled With Your Windows PC


1. What Is Accessibility?

Microsoft Windows provides various features that make it easier for people with disabilities to use their computers. These features are known as accessibility features.

Accessibility features can include things like Narrator, which allows people who are deaf or have a hearing disability to read text onscreen, and Magnifier, which makes it easier for people to see small text or images.

Windows also includes a screen reader called Window Reader. This screen reader helps people who are blind or have low vision to use their computer.

To enable these accessibility features, you will need to navigate to Settings > System > Accessibility > Make Room for Narrator and Make Room for Magnifier. You can also disable certain accessibility features if you do not need them.

If you have any questions about how to enable or disable these accessibility features, please contact your Microsoft Account Manager or the Microsoft Office Support team.

2. How to Enable Accesibility Features in Windows

Enable Accesibility Features in Windows
Enable Accesibility Features in Windows

Windows PCs can be used by people with different disabilities. However, some accessibility features may not be enabled by default.

If you are using a Windows PC to access the internet, you may need to enable accessibility features. This includes features that help people with disabilities access the internet, communicate with other people online, and work on their computer.

Some common accessibility features that you may need to enable include

 accessibility features in Windows
accessibility features in Windows

Voice recognition: This feature allows people with disabilities to use the computer without using a keyboard or mouse.

Screen readers: These software programs read aloud what is on the screen. They can be used to help people with vision impairments or hearing impairments communicate with computers.

Text-to-speech: This feature converts text into sound so that people with hearing impairments can understand it.

3. The Good and Bad of Disabled Features

Good and Bad of Disabled Features
Good and Bad of Disabled Features

Windows PCs come with a lot of features that can make your life easier. However, some of these features may be disabled by the administrator or by you accidentally.

Disabling features can have a number of benefits. For example, disabling cookies can help to protect your privacy. Disabling automatic updates can also improve your computer’s security.

However, disabling features can also have negative consequences. For example, disabling anti-virus software may leave your computer vulnerable to infection. Disabling Windows updates may also leave your computer vulnerable to security vulnerabilities.

It is important to understand the benefits and the consequences of disabling features before you decide to do it. Then, you can make an informed decision about which features to disable and which to keep enabled.

4. Accesibility Recommendations for First Time Users

Recommendations Windows
Recommendations Windows

Windows PCs come with a wide range of features and options that can make your computing experience more comfortable and accessible. This article provides accessibility recommendations for first time Windows PC users.

To ensure that you have a great experience using your Windows PC, make sure the following features are enabled:


• Narrator: Narrator can help you navigate your computer using only your voice. You can even use Narrator to read text files and emails.
• Magnifier: Magnifier can help you see text or images on your screen in detail. You can use Magnifier to zoom in on one part of a document or picture, or to enlarge sections of a web page.
• Large Text: Windows comes with Large Text capabilities that make it easier to see small print and detailed information. When you enable large text, all fonts will be enlarge to at least 16 points size.

5. Conclusion

You must ensure that your Windows PC is configure and enabled with the necessary security features in order to protect your data and protect yourself from online threats.

There are a number of security features that you must enable on your Windows PC in order to protect yourself. These include:

1. Windows Firewall
2. Anti-virus protection
3. Security software (such as BitLocker)
4. Parental controls (such as Family Safety)
5. biometric authentication (such as facial recognition)


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